Technical Support Services
At FutureGate, your satisfaction is our primary measure of success, so FutureGate technical support team is committed to provide dependable and timely resolution of all customer inquiries. Technical Support for our products and solutions is available via the telephone, over the Web, electronic mail or onsite if needed.
Every customer inquiry is professionally tracked from the time contact is initiated until a jointly agreed resolution is reached. Based on the priority of a case, FutureGate Technical Support escalates customer issues within our organization to ensure mission-critical problems receive a quick resolution.
Training Services
FutureGate offers training courses to gain the skills you need to install, configure and manage its products and solutions in your computing environment.Training is available for both new or experienced users and administrators.
We have developed a list of ‘best-practices’ in regard to the most effective techniques for providing high quality user training for our clients. We will work with your company to define the right training schedule for everyone involved. Some individuals require a more ‘high-level’ overview of the system and its capabilities, while others require more focused and detailed training in specific areas of the applications.
Custom and on-site courses are available on request.